El sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS) es un sistema que permite determinar en todo el mundo la posición de un objeto (una persona, un vehículo) con una precisión de hasta centímetros (si se utiliza GPS diferencial), aunque lo habitual son unos pocos metros de precisión. El sistema fue desarrollado, instalado y empleado por el Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos. Para determinar las posiciones en el globo, el sistema GPS está constituido por 24 satélites y utiliza la trilateración.
English Portfolio - The Last!
This is my last portfolio of the year! I'm going to talk about what we have worked in english in this pandemic in a little summary. We have worked with the emotions what we feel during this pandemic, with the readings, use of english, reported speech and direct speech. We have learned to use the active and passive voice, we have done listenings, we also made a funny video call with my teammate! In group we have been working the diary of reading, the report on technical article, with all information we have a funny video of headlines in 60 seconds! Finally we have worked how to learn the headlines and describe a picture. The truth that being able to see news from other countries about the Covid-19 has been a bit shocking, because in the other countries there are harder situations than here, for example Italy, but I learnt that I can look for much more information on pages in English than in Spanish.There is similar news in Ireland (which is the country that touched our ...
Celia, para mejorar tu entrada deberías citar la fuente de la que has tomado la información poniendo un enlace a la misma.
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Te faltan varias entradas por publicar Celia; ten cuidado que se te pueden acumular .