• Hello! This is my first portfolio in english so I’m going to talk about the 1º term in this subject.  In this term we have some easy projects but others not so much, an example of an easy project is “Halloween” or also called “Jack o'Lantern”. This project is about how to give instructions on how to decorate a pumpkin where we have to add new vocabulary and linking words “first”, “second”, “then”, “after this”, “now”, “later”...The final product of this was to learn how these ( estos ) instructions were done and then teach to the students in year 1.Another example of a difficult project is “Fair Saturday”. In the project was a lot of work both group and individually, we have made a documentary about a NGO that we would like, that we had to look for information about that NGO and in english pages too to compare them. Also watching a video with instructions to be able ( creo que podría ser mejor be able to ) to do the script and ask the questions. Finally when we had the documentary made we english subtitles with the help of the teacher, that to help us more with the subtitles, the teacher brought us some of her students from the university to give us a talk with instructions on how to do the subtitles.
  • And finally the third project is "climate change" the objective is to raise awareness about the importance of the environmental policies and agreements that governs how humans must interact with their environment.To know about the main points of the Paris Agreement 2019.To learn and review vocabulary related to the environment, pollution, ecology and law.
  • The project more has given me is "Fair Saturday" because it has been one of the projects that has cost me more but at the same time one of those I have had a very nice experience with each NGO because I know what happens to each person and it is very sad to see how those people have a hard time while we give importance to things that not have. 

  • At this point I will be honest, and my group work has not been well, because I have been the one that has worked more and hardest to make everything go well, I have tried many times that my schoolmate do their homework and it has been difficult for me, I don't know what I would have to do to make all this better. It is true that I should speak more English in class, to improve my verbal expressions.

  • My conclusion is all of this is earned with effort and not everything is given to you as a gift, so this is only the beginning. :D


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