English Portfolio

  • Hello! I’m going to talk about the 2º term in this subject. In this term we have some projects, like World War One and Job Hunting. The project World War One it was about the importance of the role of women during WWI and also express why it was important to increase women's power during World War I.

  • The vocabulary that we have learned with this project can be, for example: “to be on duty”, “employer”, “handle”, “risk”, “weapons” etc. The objective of this project was explain some general aspects about what caused the WWI, name and use vocabulary related to feminism, armed conflicts, peace, countries and nationalities, use the passive voice etc.

  • The second and last project we did in this term was Job Hunting, which is about research what you want to study in the future and looking at jobs that you can do depends on what we are going to study, the objectives is talk about his/her strengths and skills and speak about future plans, making a final product creating a 2 minute video curriculum giving information about us. The vocabulary we have learned has been: “Payday”, “self-employment”, “letter of reference”, “applicant”, “to be out of work”, “to apply for a job” etc. 

  • The project that has given me the most is "Women in the First World War" because it has been one of the projects that has cost me the most, but at the same time, one of those that I have had to research the most to see and learn what the roll of the woman in the war and to realize that if the men were realized what we can do we the society would have changed. It is sad to see how machismo still exists in different jobs because of the fact that in the same job a man is paid more than a woman. The day that everyone realizes that we are all the same, we have what we have between our legs, I will be happy, but while I will continue fighting for women's rights.

  • In this term I have been happy with my group, because we have all worked and we have helped each other a lot, I have continued to give my all as the previous term, although I know that I should give even more speaking English in class and practicing the conditions and the passive voice.

  • My conclusion is that all this is earned with effort and not everything is given to you as a gift, so if you want something, do it. :D


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