ENGLISH PORTFOLIO Hello! This is my first portfolio in english so I’m going to talk about the 1º term in this subject. In this term we have some easy projects but others not so much, an example of an easy project is “Halloween” or also called “Jack o'Lantern”. This project is about how to give instructions on how to decorate a pumpkin where we have to add new vocabulary and linking words “first”, “second”, “then”, “after this”, “now”, “later”...The final product of this was to learn how these ( estos ) instructions were done and then teach to the students in year 1.Another example of a difficult project is “Fair Saturday”. In the project was a lot of work both group and individually, we have made a documentary about a NGO that we would like, that we had to look for information about that NGO and in english pages too to compare them. Also watching a video with instructions to be able ( creo que podría ser mejor be able to ) to do the script and ask the questions. Finall...